What Is Gold Liquidity and Why Is It Important?

In a free-market economy, virtually any tangible good can be sold to someone, somewhere.
What ‘Inflation’ Actually Means: Is the Real Rate Already 10%?

Amidst the pitched arguments about inflation (though almost nobody argues at this point that it’s not, at the very least, on the way), it would be nice if we could agree on what that words specifically means. When we refer to ‘inflation’, we refer to the government’s definition.
Why the Collapse of Bear Stearns Changed the Silver Market Forever

Very few people know exactly what was said, promised, discovered, obfuscated, threatened, etc. in the dark and high-tension days surrounding the collapse of Bear Stearns and its taxpayer-subsidized subsequent digestion by JPMorgan. What is irrefutable is that JPMorgan inherited Bear’s enormous and disastrous short silver position. How they would deal with it in response has fundamentally altered the silver market, while simultaneously setting it up for a historic rally. Bear Stearns’ failure coincided, to the day, with gold hitting all-time highs (over $1000) and silver hitting 30 year highs ($21). It’s easy to calculate that Bear lost more than $2 […]